Parish Council Meeting Agenda




Parish Clerk:                                                         Email:

Vicky Kendall                                  



The Parish Council Meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, 1st  October 2024, in Withern Village Hall.


At the official start of the meeting at 7 pm, there will be a 15-minute public session. This is an opportunity for members of the public to raise any matters of concern with the council. The Parish Council meeting will commence immediately after this public session.


During the Parish Council meeting, members of the public may only speak if the Chairman allows them to clarify a point. This process ensures that the meeting runs smoothly and efficiently.



Vicky Kendall                            Clerk and RFO                             24th September 2024




  1. Apologies for absence


  1. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting – 20th August 2024


  1. Correspondance – Resignation of Cllr Gillian Henderson-Blair


  1. Update from those minutes (if any available)
    1. GDF
    2. NG upgrade


  1. Updates from EDLC and LCC  representatives


  1. Planning applications : The Red Lion Conversion


  1. Update from Cllr Sear on Pavements in the Village


  1. Update from Cllr Sear on the crossing outside the school


  1. Wreath for the memorial on 11th November


  1. Skip for residents


  1. Litter pick October – a reminder that 12th October is the date for the litter pick – R Snell unable to provide the tractor & trailer this time so alternative arrangements to be made.


  1. Financial:
    1. To approve/pay the following and produce cheques for signature:
      1. Clerk Salary - October (VK) plus 3 hours of training      £133.72                    
      2. Clerk Salary (SK Final including holiday pay)                     £469.58
      3. HMRC                                                                       £84.20 (DD)
    2. Budget for the rest of the year



  1. Any other matters for inclusion in the next agenda  


  1. Dates of next meetings:


  1. 12th November 2024
  2. 17th December 2025
  3. 4th February 2025
  4. 18th March 2025
  5. 29th April 2025
  6. 27th May 2025 – Annual Parish Council Meeting


Published: Monday, 30th September 2024