February 2019 Minutes
19th FEBRUARY 2019
Present: Cllr Acklam, Cllr Hughes, Cllr Thompson, Cllr Jenkinson, Cllr Harvey
Cllr Cullen ELDC, Cllr Sandra LLC
0 Members of the Public
Meeting opened at 19.00
14. Apologies: Cllr Donner
15. Three were no Declarations of interest not previously disclosed.
16. The minutes of the meeting held 19th February 2019 were approved and signed by the Chairman’s.
17. Updates from those minutes:
Brought forward item 21 Pot Holes on Chalk Lane, as there was updates to do with this.
Cllr Hughes updated the meeting:
There were 137 pot holes on Chalk Lane. 30 Pot holes have been filled on the 7th February.
8th February the Chalk Lane potholes were declared fixed, against the initial complaint, despite numerous holes not being filled.
It was agreed that a new complaint would be raised to get the remaining pot holes filled.
It was agreed that the Parish Council would raise the new complaint on ‘Fixmystreet’ .
Cllr Thompson asked if Cllr G Cullen (LCC) could provide a ‘Job specification’ for the filling of the Pot Holes as it was felt that the stand of the work done was substandard, he agreed to try and source a specification.
18. Updates from LLC or ELDC
ELDC There will be a new Chief Executive. Election date for EDLC is in May and ELDC is in Purdha from 25th February.
ELDC Budget approved at meetings on 20th February, and then finally on Wednesday 27th February
19. Financial.
No Cheques to be raised
Cllr Acklam asked that the PC agree that we would pay the budgeted audit fess to our external auditor so that this could takes places when need, this was agreed.
20. Correspondence/Clerks Update
It was discussed to nominate Robert Keys to Buckingham Palace Garden Party for 20 years of service to Parish Council - this was done though he was not lucky in receiving a place.
Cllr Hughes attended course on upcoming PC Elections : Briefing Clerks @ Tedder Hall on 19th February 2019, he aimed to distribute the nomination forms for the re-election after the meeting.
21. Pot Holes Chalk Lane
Already dealt with in updates
22. Parish Clerk Recruitment
Cllr’s have tried twice , no success
23. Planning.
Application by ldc to amend current application at old Gayton Garden Centre on a proposed building plot to replace a ha ha wall with a traditional post and rail fence as this was a more cost effective option. It was agreed that has this was not very visible that there were no issues with this.
Proposed by Cllr Hughes, Seconded Cllr Acklam
24.Possible Bus Shelter/Items for Expenditure Fy19.20
It was discussed briefly, but was decided that would discuss at next meeting with more ideas, and hopefully members of the public
25. Any other matters for general discussion and/or inclusion in next agenda.
Benches, Bus Stop, Foot Path
26. To confirm date of next meeting
2nd April 2019
Meeting closed 19.45