August 2020 DRAFT Minutes EOM
Draft Minutes – extraordinary meeting 7th August 2020, 12.30pm, Village Hall car park.
Present: Cllr Acklam (Chairman), Cllr Hughes, Cllr Donner, Cllr Jenkinson, Cllr Osborne; Clerk Andrew Claydon
1. Apologies: Cllr Harvey (work commitments); District Councillor Sandra Harrison (holiday)
2. To Receive any declarations of interest not previously disclosed. None
3. Annual Governance and Accountability Return (AGAR) 2019/20: the Council received and reviewed AGAR completed by the Clerk / RFO and RESOLVED (p JH s FD) to approve the following:
a. The certificate of exemption from external audit (page 3), for submission to the appointed external auditors, PKF
b. Section 2 (page 6) of the AGAR, containing the accounting statements for 2019/20
c. Annual Governance Statement (pages 4 and 5), pending completion of the internal audit
4. Payments: It was RESOLVED to approve / pay the following and produce cheques for signature:
Zurich Municipal (2020/21 insurances) £201.75
East Lindsey District Council (2019 election expenses) £ 48.50
Spanglefish (website hosting 1/8/20 to 31/7/21) £ 29.99
Robert Aldrich (grounds maintenance 1st half year) £413.50
Information Commissioner (registration renewal) £ 40.00
Simon Acklam (re IONOS web domain renewal) £ 12.00
A Claydon (Clerks salary / expenses March 2020, inc stamps) £ 76.76
HMRC £ 14.40
The meeting closed at 12.58 pm. Prior to closure the chairman thanked everyone for attending and indicated that, while the use of outside space in good summer weather had worked well in minimising coronavirus risk, it was unlikely that these conditions would recur later in the year and as such it was probable that subsequent meetings would be held virtually.