December 2020 DRAFT Minutes
Draft Minutes – Parish Council meeting 1st December 2020, 7pm, via Zoom (online)
Present: Cllr Acklam (Chairman), Cllr Harvey, Cllr Osborne. (meeting quorate). Three members of the public (attending as candidates for the current councillor vacancies); the clerk Mr A Claydon
15. Apologies: Cllr Donner; ELDC councillor Harrison
16. To Receive any declarations of interest not previously disclosed. None
17. To approve the notes of the meetings on 20th October 2020. It was RESOLVED to approve the notes for adoption as minutes. (pSA sJH)
18. Updates from ELDC and LCC. Newsletters had been received from both Councils but as the ward members were not in attendance there was nothing to add to these.
19. Planning:
No applications received.
20. Correspondence / Clerks Update. LALC, acting on behalf of LCC, had notified its member councils about the availability of grants of up to £5,000 for community groups undertaking work or projects in areas such as health support, financial hardship or loneliness / isolation. Parish Councils may apply provided it is not to cover the costs of a statutory duty.
The Community Speedwatch co-ordinator for East Lindsey is looking at the potential for training to be organised once the area moves below Coronavirus tier 3. Councillors asked the clerk to contact volunteers to let them know and ask them to confirm their ongoing interest.
The clerk had spoken to Father James Robinson regarding St Mary’s Churchyard. He confirmed that the diocese has responsibility for maintenance but that any contribution from the Parish Council towards work would be appreciated.
Two planning applications discussed at the October meeting have been approved by ELDC, these being the extension /annexe at Withern Lodge and the change of use to enable increased car parking at the Bakery.
21. Financial:
a) Payments it was RESOLVED to make the following cheque payments: (pSA sJH)
A Claydon (Clerks salary / expenses October 2020) £ 59.65
HMRC £ 14.90
Robert Aldrich Garden Maintenance £413.50
b) Budget for 2021/22 The clerk / RFO had circulated a final draft, adjusted from the first draft of next year’s budget to reflect the likelihood of higher training costs than originally anticipated The working balance was demonstrated to be adequate to provide contingency against a variety of events. It was RESOLVED (pSA sTO) to approve the budget and retain the precept on ELDC at £3158 for 2021/22.
22. Any other Matters for general discussion and/or inclusion in next agenda. Quotation process for grass cutting contract renewal.
23. Next meeting – Tuesday December 1st (six weeks after this meeting)
24. Co-option of councillors (1): three members of the public were present, each having expressed an interest in the two casual vacancies for councillors . They had sent in short CV’s setting out relevant experience and skills. The Chairman outlined the process that would be followed, with each candidate introducing themselves in an informal group setting and then explaining their interest in the role together with identifying the main issues that the council should / could be getting involved in. Once this was concluded, the Council would go into private session to discuss and resolve the candidates to be offered the roles.
Candidates then participated in the question / answer session, providing the council with valuable information to assist with its decision. The chairman thanked them for their input.
25. Exclusion of the Press and Public from the meeting in accordance with Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972, paragraph 1. It was RESOLVED to exclude the public from the meeting (pSA sJH)
26. Co-Option of Councillors (2) – Councillors identified their preferred candidates and gave reasons. All members agreed that each of the three candidates offered skills and abilities that made them excellent potential councillors; however, as there were only two vacancies a choice had to be made. Councillors focussed on the current involvement and energy shown by one candidate in local community and volunteering activities and the high-level influencing and lobbying experience of another. These were felt most likely to broaden the council’s knowledge base and improve its effectiveness and leverage. For this reason, councillors unanimously agreed to co-opt those individuals. In so doing they were clear that the third candidate had a high degree of relevant experience and hoped they would re-express their interest in the event of any future councillor vacancy.
It was RESOLVED (pSA sTO) to co-opt Hollie O’Pray and Alexandra Blomley as councillors on Withern with Stain Parish Council.
The meeting ended at 8.27pm.