Minutes August 2023
Parish Clerk: Email: parishclerkwithernstain@gmail.com
Sarah Kennett (parish clerk withern stain at gmail dot com)
DRAFT MINUTES – 8th August 2023
Attendees: Cllr Simon Acklam, Cllr Alan Jenkinson, Cllr Jackie Harvey-Brown.
Others: Sarah Kennett – Clerk, Cllr Noi Sear (LCC), Cllr Travis Hesketh (ELDC)
Public Session opened – the only question was about speed watch which is on the agenda later
36. Apologies for absences – Cllr Fred Donner, Cllr Alexandra Blomley
37. To Receive any declarations of interest not previously disclosed.
38. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting – 27th June 2023
Resolved: Proposed AJ, Seconded JHB
39. Co-option of new members, if any are present, to be put forward
Gillian Henderson-Blair put herself forward with a wealth of experience in trading standards and the RAF among others. She has lived in the village for 15 months.
Resolved Co-opted: Proposed Cllr Acklam, Seconded Cllr Jackie Harvey Brown
40. Update from those minutes
a. Theddlethorpe
i. Cllr Acklam has encouraged visibility of the plans for the site to be shared at the next community partnership. He is hoping by September that, there will be more visibility on siting plans and timescales.
ii. Members of the public raised the issue that the electoral results show that the public is against GDF.
iii. A member of the public asked Cllr Travis Hesketh his opinion. He thinks that the GDF caused the 30% swing away from the conservatives.
iv. A public member asked about the role of GOTEC and if they have any influence on the community partnership. Cllr Acklam expressed that there are several views on the community partnership, and some favour keeping the funding going in the area.
b. Hedges in the Village – all hedges that have had a concern expressed have now been cut. Noted. Thank you to Cllr Donner for helping with one resident issue.
41. Updates from EDLC and LCC representatives
ELDC – Travis Hesketh thanked Cllr Donner for returning his passport.
a. Travis has canvassed by writing many letters, spending three days in the Lake District discussing the GDF. The purpose of this was to put forward the feelings of the ward. The CEO of the Nuclear waste service has apparently challenged the team to complete it in three years. Travis has asked for this in writing.
b. Travis tried to put a motion for the council for a final date for the public support test due to legal advice this was stopped, as it was thought it would leave the council open to a judicial review.
c. Another motion can be put forward – an indication of public opinion. Travis is keen to get this put forward.
d. Cllr Acklam said the NWS is planning to do a doorstep survey in August – this may give us some resolution. Travis has said that the survey is flawed. This should be a yes or no ballot.
e. Travis has installed CCTV in Gayton to reduce fly-tipping.
f. Viking carbon capture is on his agenda.
LCC – Noi Sear
a. Chalk lane resurfacing has been successful. She has used her councillor fund to get this through. Many residents are thankful for her hard work to get this through.
b. Speed limit extension – an officer is coming to assess the speeding on the road out of the village.
c. They are also assessing the crossing outside the school.
d. LCC website – Summer activities for events for the children in the area.
42. Planning applications – None
43. Potential funding for community assets – Community Ownership fund – the pub is now sold at auction. Application for Community Asset to help prevent a change of use application.
a. The new owners of the Red Lion attended the meeting to discuss the plans for the Red Lion.
b. They want to know what the village might need. They have conversed with people who have said they would like a shop or post office.
c. Cllr Acklam asked them the intention of the pub. This is not purchased to run as a pub.
d. A significant investment is needed to make it a public house of that size.
e. There is potential to have a regeneration of the building. Use the pub for residential accommodation.
f. Could the rest of the site be developed to provide a shop and facilities for the village?
g. Public members said they should discuss this with the village hall committee. A shop and post office would be a welcome addition, and potentially a children’s play area.
h. A member of the public asked them of the public about the change of use to houses. The new owners said potentially five residential units. The front of the pub could be changed to three terrace houses with a couple of bungalows.
i. Cllr Acklam has said that the pub has been almost non-existent in more recent years.
j. The pub has potential with the right investment.
k. Cllr Sear said good food will attract people to a pub.
l. Cllr Acklam suggested advertising an evening to come and meet the new owners and allow the wider community to have input into the new development.
m. Cllr Jenkinson asked if this would be a not-for-profit organisation or as a commercial enterprise. The new owners said the shop could be run as a not-for-profit venture. With the potential for volunteer involvement.
n. Cllr Gillian Henderson-Blair has expressed that there is much passing traffic, and the trade could be there.
Cllr Acklam: Proposed that we arrange a community meeting. This will be placed in the village newsletter and on the Facebook group. Sometime in September was suggested. The clerk will coordinate with the new owners.
44. Commemorative plaque on the noticeboard – Costs and approval
a. The Pelican Trust can provide signs of 600 mm in length. They need to be longer for the whole noticeboard.
b. The clerk suggested to the council that two signs could be purchased, one for the Parish Council and one for King Charles's coronation. This was agreed that this is a good idea.
c. Proposed to commission Two new signs for £75 each – one for the sign for the Parish Council and one for King Charles.
Resolved to be purchased: Proposed SA, Seconded JHB.
45. Painting of the noticeboard – Thanks to Pocklington Bakery, particularly Chris Pocklington, for painting the noticeboard.
46. Financial:
a. To approve/pay the following and confirm the online payment with signature:
i. Clerk Salary - July £234.80
1. Including back pay for a pay increase to the standard hourly rate from April 2022
Resolved Proposed JHB, Seconded AJ
ii. Clerk Salary – August £114.80
Resolved Proposed SA, Seconded AJ
iii. HMRC July and August £37.20
Resolved Proposed JHB, Seconded AJ
47. Speed watch update
a. There was a record 34% speeding vehicles at the last community activity. The coordinator has had an email to say that even with these high figures, it will take a fatality to get the authorities to make some changes. Once there is a fatality, then they will assess if something can be done.
b. Cllr Jackie Harvey Brown expressed that the speeding is increasing with people overtaking when she is doing 30 mph.
c. Cllr Acklam expressed concerns over the corner from Withern to Woodthorpe. We have had a letter from a member of the public expressing concern over this corner. We have already referred this to LCC, who have said that there is not enough evidence to support any changes to the highway.
d. It is essential that the figures accurately reflect any accidents in the village so please report any accidents to the police
e. Member of the public said that the speed awareness signs could be in the wrong place in the village. They suggested that the signs be placed at the entrance to the village. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
f. Gillian Henderson-Blair suggested that the tractors were speeding through the village. None of the tractors have been clocked speeding during speed watch activities.
g. Interested new members:
i. Gillian Henderson-Blair has said she will do it
ii. Jackie Harvey Brown has agreed to do it
iii. Noi Sear has agreed to do it
iv. There was mention of another member of the public being interested. The clerk will contact them.
Resolved that the clerk will arrange the training as soon as possible.
48. Litter Pick September/October
a. 7th October was the proposed date at Start time 10 am.
b. Travis has said they get less litter if they cut the verges in South Reston.
49. Post office – to inform everyone that we have had no further information and are still chasing this.
50. Increasing cultural capital in the area. Clerk to resend the email to see if anyone is interested in joining the group.
51. Speed limit extension – update Cllr Sear – See update from LCC
52. Any other matters for inclusion in the following agenda
a. Member of the public expressed concern over the flooding on the main road. We have been encouraged to go onto fix my street.
b. Remembrance
c. Bus Shelter refurbishments
d. Speeding Signs in the village
e. Review of Standing orders and Financial regulations as per audit
f. Bank Reconciliation
g. Updated Asset Register
h. Organisation Chart
53. Dates of next meetings:
a. 19th September 2023
b. 31st October 2023
c. 12th December 2023