Parish Council Minutes 21st january 2025
Parish Clerk: Email:
Vicky Kendall
Tuesday, 21st January 2025 Meeting Minutes – DRAFT
In attendance: Cllr Acklam, Cllr Jenkinson
Others: Cllr Hesketh, Cllr Sear, Vicky Kendall (Clerk) + 5 Members of the Public
Meeting opened at 7pm
Members of the public questions: Power cuts, we’ve now had 4 in 4 weeks, is there anything that we can do to make Northern Power Grid aware and find out what they are doing to correct them, The Parish Council is happy to get involved in writing a letter to add our names to the issue, Pocklington’s Bakery are happy for us to use him as an example as a business severely impacted by the power cuts.
Cllr Sear is happy to forward emails sent to Northern Power Grid regarding the power cuts to Cllr Acklam to assist with the letter.
There is concern that the Wind Turbines have not been seen running for 4 weeks, does anyone know why? This may be due to maintenance but this isn’t confirmed.
Planning application is being submitted for a new village hall, if the planning application hasn’t been forwarded to the clerk before the next meeting there may be a request made to the Parish Council for a letter of support for the grant application.
Cllr Noi will help by writing a letter of support for the Grant from NWS.
70. Apologies for absence – Jackie Harvey-Brown
71. ELDC Section 91 Notice regarding the running of the Parish Council Meeting – Due to being in quorate we are unable to co-opt any new Cllrs, Cllr Acklam contacted ELDC to obtain a Section 91 notice which has appointed Cllr Hesketh as a member of the Parish Council to allow the Co-Option of new members.
72. Comments on the untimely passing of Cllr Fred Donner.- The Reason for us being in quorate was the untimely passing of Cllr Donner. It came as a huge shock to all and as a much loved member of the village and Parish Council he will be sorely missed by all, the whole Parish Council would like to extend their deepest condolences to Cllr Fred Donners Family at this very sad time.
73. Co Option of New Councillors – Peter Laycock & John Hughes
Unanimously agreed and passed – Cllr Hesketh, Cllr Acklam, Cllr Jenkinson
74. Agree the Precept for FY25/25 .
Council is trying to keep increase as modest as possible for residents.
Councillors proposed increase making the precept £3369.90 making £25.92 per household which is an increase of 76p per household on a band D property.
75. Update from (if any available)
a. GDF – Lot more information from the community partnership meeting.
Good presentations on safety and geology, one interesting thing that came out was NWS are highly concerned about the carbon capture project. The injection of CO2 into a rock layer about 400-600 metres below the GDF gives– Concern that there may be risks to them operating the GDF and this may cause uplift of the rock layer & what are the risks from ice erosion – carbon capture team won’t currently speak to them.
New area to look at within the search area, will be announced on the 30th January.
b. NG upgrade – Nothing until March
76. Updates from EDLC and LCC representatives –
Cllr Hesketh – Feels we have enough information to make an informed decision on whether we want a NWS under the Lincolnshire Coast, LCC & ELDC refuse to test public opinion – Complaints have been submitted.
Serious house fire in Great Carlton, the owner managed to escape but he lost his family dog, CLLR Hesketh would like to urge everyone to get a smoke alarm.
The Parish Council could potentially arrange a talk with the fire brigade.
If anyone would be interested in a talk can be arranged for a future parish council meeting.
Another option to pursue is an information stall at the village show run by the fire brigade.
Cllr Sear - Possible crossing outside the school, meeting next week Thursday 30th January– Cllr Acklam will attend if available.
There is a proposal to have Stain Lane resurfaced as there was a serious accident a week ago.
Cllr Sear trying to get speed van in the village.
This Year the Pavements may be dealt with, it will be on the next agenda for the next financial year.
77. Planning Applications: Hillcrest, Main Road, Withern – N/212/01923/24 – Two Storey Ext to the rear of the property. – No Objections
78. Update from Cllr Sear on Pavements in the Village – Will be on the agenda for next financial year.
79. Update from Cllr Sear on the crossing outside the school following meeting 6th November 2024 – The School will be getting a Lollypop Person to provide a safe crossing, when this will happen hasn’t been confirmed as yet.
80. Village Litter Pick – Provisionally scheduled for 15th March at 10am – PC to try to find out when the next grass cut will be.
81. Financial:
a. To approve/pay the following and produce cheques for signature:
i. Clerk Salary - October(VK) (inc Pay inc) £114.29 (Paid)
ii. November - £107.70 (Paid)
iii. December - £107.70 (Paid)
iv. January - £107.70 (To be paid Feb 12th) –
Proposed by Cllr Acklam & Seconded by John Hughes
v. Previous Clerk backdated pay increase £30.40 (Paid)
vi. Hire of the Village hall to July 2025 £160.00 (Paid)
All agreed – Cllr Acklam & John Hughes
b. Budget for the rest of the year: Precept approval and any other items which may need to be considered.
82. Any other matters for inclusion in the next agenda
William Jones Foundation
83. Dates of next meetings: (Provisional to be approved)
a. 25th February 2025
b. 8th April 2025
c. 20th May 2025 – Annual Parish Council Meeting
Meeting Closed 20:15