Agenda October 2023
Meeting cancelled due to ill heath
Parish Clerk: Email:
Sarah Kennett (parish clerk withern stain at gmail dot com)
The next Meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for Tuesday, 31st October 2023, in Withern Village Hall.
Before the commencement of the meeting at 7 p.m., there will be a 15-minute public session; public members may raise matters of concern with the council during this session. The Parish Council meeting will commence as soon as possible after the public section.
Once the Parish Council meeting commences, members of the public may only speak if at the discretion of the Chairman to clarify a point.
Sarah Kennett Clerk and RFO
73. Apologies for absences
74. Review of declarations of interest
75. Co-option of new members of the council
76. Election of Vice Chair
77. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting – 19th September 2023
78. Update from those minutes
a. Theddlethorpe
79. Updates from EDLC and LCC representatives
80. Planning applications – Woodthorpe, Application reference N/171/02025/23
81. Financial:
a. Income – VAT return 22/23 - £30
b. To approve/pay the following and confirm the online payment with signature:
i. Clerk Salary - October £114.80
ii. HMRC £3.60
iii. SID - solar panel £240 (incl VAT)
iv. ICO Fee (DD) £35
v. Signs for notice board £180 (including VAT)
(Pre-approved confirming paid)
vi. ELDC election fee £48.50
(Approved via email)
82. Savings accounts for funds – to agree to place funds into an interest-gaining savings account.
83. New signs have been purchased for the notice board. – Celebration of the coronation and sign for the top of the board.
84. Precept and Budget – To agree on the precept and budget for 2024/2025
85. Speed watch update – Update from training on the 28th of October 2023
86. Red Lion Development update – any further developments
87. Bus Shelter refurbishments – Update from Cllr Henderson Blair
88. Remembrance donation – Cost to make £20, Cllrs need to agree on the donation amount.
89. Any other matters for inclusion in the following agenda
90. Dates of next meetings:
a. 31st October 2023
b. 12th December 2023
c. 23rd January 2024
d. 5th March 2024
e. 16th April 2024
f. 28th May 2024