Agenda September 2023
Parish Clerk: Email:
Sarah Kennett (parish clerk withern stain at gmail dot com)
The next Meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for Tuesday, 19th September 2023, in Withern Village Hall.
Before the commencement of the meeting at 7 pm, there will be a 15-minute public session; public members may raise matters of concern with the council during this session. The Parish Council meeting will commence as soon as possible after the public section.
Once the Parish Council meeting commences, members of the public may only speak if at the discretion of the Chairman to clarify a point.
Sarah Kennett Clerk and RFO 15th September 2023
54. Apologies for absences
55. Review of declarations of interest
56. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting – 8th August 2023
57. Update from those minutes
a. Theddlethorpe
58. Updates from EDLC and LCC representatives
59. Planning applications – None
60. Financial:
a. To approve/pay the following and confirm the online payment with signature:
i. Clerk Salary - September £115
ii. HMRC £3.40
b. Bank Reconciliation as of 19th September 2023
61. Review of standing orders, Financial regulations, code of conduct, asset register and organisation chart as per audit
62. Speed watch update
63. Litter Pick – 7th October 2023
64. Red Lion Development update
65. Footpath to Gatton – steep incline before the bridge
66. Flooding on the main road
67. Bus Shelter refurbishments
68. Speeding signs in the village and the position of the SIDS
69. Remembrance donation
70. Dates for future meetings
71. Any other matters for inclusion in the following agenda
72. Dates of next meetings:
a. 31st October 2023
b. 12th December 2023