Agenda August 2023


Parish Clerk:         Email:
Sarah Kennett                                       (parish clerk withern stain at gmail dot com)

The next meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for Tuesday, 8th August 2023, in Withern Village Hall. 

Before the commencement of the meeting at 7 pm, there will be a 15-minute public session; public members may raise matters of concern with the council during this session. The Parish Council meeting will commence as soon as possible after the public section.

Once the Parish Council meeting commences, members of the public may only speak if at the discretion of the Chairman to clarify a point.

Sarah Kennett            Clerk and RFO          


36.    Apologies for absences – Cllr Fred Donner

37.    To Receive any declarations of interest not previously disclosed. 

38.    To approve the minutes of the previous meeting – 27th June 2023

39.    Co-option of new members if any are present to be put forward

40.    Update from those minutes
a.    Theddlethorpe
b.    Hedges in the Village – all hedges that have had a concern expressed have now been cut. Noted. Thank you to Cllr Donner for helping with one resident issue.

41.    Updates from EDLC and LCC representatives 

42.    Planning applications – None 

43.    Potential funding for community assets – Community Ownership fund – the pub is now sold at auction. Application for Community Asset to help prevent a change of use application.

44.    Commemorative plaque on the noticeboard – Costs and approval

45.    Painting of the notice board – Thanks to Pocklington Bakery and in particular, Chris Pocklington for painting the noticeboard
46.    Financial:
a.    To approve/pay the following and confirm the online payment with signature:
i.    Clerk Salary     - July            £234.80
1.    Including back pay for a pay increase to the standard hourly rate from April 2022
ii.    Clerk Salary – August        £114.80
iii.    HMRC    July and August        £37.20

47.    Speed watch update

48.    Litter Pick September/October

49.    Post office – to inform everyone that we have had no further information on this and are still chasing this.

50.    Increasing cultural capital in the area.

51.    Speed limit extension – update Cllr Sear

52.    Any other matters for inclusion in the following agenda  

53.    Dates of next meetings:

a.    19th September 2023
b.    31st October 2023
c.    12th December 2023