Agenda May 2023
Parish Clerk: Email:
Sarah Kennett (parish clerk withern stain at gmail dot com)
The ANNUAL Meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for Tuesday, 16th May 2023, in Withern Village Hall.
Before the commencement of the meeting at 7 pm, there will be a 15-minute public session; public members may raise matters of concern with the council during this session. The Parish Council meeting will commence as soon as possible after the public section.
Once the Parish Council meeting commences, members of the public may only speak if at the discretion of the Chairman to clarify a point.
Sarah Kennett Clerk and RFO 10th May 2023
1. Election of Chair– to elect a Chair and sign the declaration form
2. Election of Vice-Chair – to elect a Vice-Chair and sign the declaration form
3. Confirm the Clerk as the Responsible Finance Officer for FY2023/24
4. Current Vacancies and Co-option – Currently 3 vacancies
5. Apologies for absence
6. Review of declarations of interest
a. All councillors are to review the declarations of interest forms on file
7. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting – 4th April 2023
8. Update from those minutes
a. Theddlethorpe – Email from Richard Outram (NFLA)
b. Village Hall
9. Updates from EDLC and LCC representatives – Statement from Travis Hesketh
10. To approve Standing orders, Financial regulations, Complaints procedures, certificate of exemption - AGAR and Risk Assessment. - No amendments from last year.
11. LALC training plan – To review the training plan for the coming year. A decision will be needed on subscription to this. Cost to Withern and Stain Parish Council - £100 + £20 VAT
12. Planning applications – None
13. Pavements and Hedges – (Request from Councillor Harvey Brown)
14. Hedgehog Highway
15. Financial:
a. To approve/pay the following and produce cheques for signature:
i. Clerk Salary - April and May £213.80
ii. HMRC £4.66 (Total to end of May – Set up DD)
b. Annual Governance and Accounts Return (AGAR)
i. To approve Internal Audit - £35 depending on the work needed
c. To approve the maintenance contract for Robert Aldrich –
i. £827 for grass cutting and maintenance
d. Review the Insurance cover for the year
i. Payment of Zurich Insurance approval 2nd Year - £195.89 (please note this price can go up and down each year even in a 5 year LTA)
e. To approve the Bank Reconciliation for year-end and Accounting Statement 2022/2023 and Annual Governance Statement
f. Final Budget for 2023/2024
16. Coronation of King Charles – trees
17. Speed watch update
18. Speed limit extension
19. Any other matters for inclusion in the next agenda
20. Dates of next meetings:
a. 27th June 2023
b. 8th August 2023
c. 19th September 2023
d. 31st October 2023
e. 12th December 2023