November 2019 Minutes
5th November 2019
Present: Cllr Hughes (in the chair), Cllr Donner, Cllr Harvey, Cllr Jenkinson, Cllr Donner. East Lindsey District Councillor Sandra Harrison (until 7.30pm); County Councillor Graham Cullen
4 members of the public; the Clerk Andrew Claydon
The meeting opened at 19.00 with a public session
A member of the public spoke regarding a prospective planning application for two dwellings on a plot adjacent to Home Farm, seeking a view on the acceptability of the development from the Council. He had brought plans of the development with him and gave these to Cllr Hughes, who asked the clerk if he could prepare a summary of the applications in the next week prior to the return of the plans to the applicant. It was noted that the applicant had already applied during the summer but had withdrawn the item before consultation / determination.
Another member of the public addressed the council regarding a planning application relating alterations to Kingsbury House, an item already on the agenda. A re-application was now required as a change of use to residential had never been formally granted
90. Apologies - Cllr Acklam
91. To receive any declarations of interest not previously disclosed: None
92. To approve the minutes of the meeting of the 2 2019 for Chairman’s Signature.
RESOLVED to approve minutes. (pFD sJH ). Cllr Hughes signed the minutes
The Chairman then suggested that item 98 (planning applications) be brought forward to be discussed next, followed by updates from ELDC / LCC (item 94), as both members had to leave early to honour other commitments
98. Planning Applications and consultation: N/212/01715/19 - Planning Permission - Extensions and alterations to existing house to provide a workshop/store and rear entrance porch and to include a replacement bay window on the site of existing garage/store which is to be removed. KINGSBURY HOUSE, MAIN ROAD, WITHERN, ALFORD, LN13 0LD.
After a brief discussion and a vote it was RESOLVED (pFD s AJ) to support the application including the separate principle of a change of use to residential (For 4, Against 0 abstention 1)
N/212/01890/19 - Planning Permission - Extension and alterations to existing dwelling to provide a swimming pool which is the course of construction. THE OLD RECTORY, GLEBE TOP, TOTHILL,
It was unanimously RESOLVED (pJH sTO) to support this application
Consultation: to agree that the Parish Council wishes to be consulted on planning applications within its boundaries and that such consultation should be in the form of email / access to web-based documents.
It was RESOLVED to confirm to East Lindsey DC that this was the Parish Council’s wish. (pJH sTO)
94.Updates from LCC or ELDC
Cllr Harrison (ELDC) told members that ELDC were keen to promote an initiative from LCC to put contact details from key agencies on a poster that could be displayed on noticeboards throughout the district. She also mentioned the ongoing Tower Gardens refurbishment project in Skegness and a further cash boost for coastal regeneration. The CAB have responded to the change over to Universal Credit by establishing a specialist team to provide advice and support in East Lindsey. Finally, there are discussions underway about the potential to relocate ELDC’s offices from Manby to Horncastle, although these are at an early stage.
Cllr Cullen spoke about budget pressures affecting LCC and the use of the reporting system for highways issues.
The remainder of the meeting followed the order shown on the agenda.
93. Updates from minutes.
Community Speedwatch - following the public participation session at the last meeting, members considered how to take things forward. It was RESOLVED (pJH sTO) to contact those who had expressed an interest in volunteeing to setup a further informal chat in the New Year. The clerk indicated that he had received details from LCCs Speedwatch Co-ordinator about the Radar Gun being available at a reduced cost and had corroborated this via the merchant’s website.
Defibrillator unit – the clerk had prepared a report setting out the types of units available together with indicative costs and identifying related issues such as positioning and training. Councillors felt that it may be problematic to find a suitable location and maintain a base of trained responders in the village and noted the report without commissioning any further action at this juncture.
95. Financial: a) Payments
It was RESOLVED (pFD sAJ) to approve the following cheques for Signature:
A Claydon (September/October Salary / expenses) £127.48
HMRC (PAYE) £30.00
Donation to Royal British Legion for Remembrance wreath – this had been budgeted at £18 but it was proposed (FD) and seconded (AJ) to round this up to £20 and the Clerk / RFO indicated that there was headroom in the overall budget to enable this.
b) draft budget 2020/21
The clerk had circulated a first draft of next years budget. This was based upon an assumed precept unchanged from 2019/20; projected spending in the current year increased by assumed inflation (clerking costs converted to full year); provision made for Community Speedwatch equipment; and reserves set up to contribute towards possible future election costs and tasset maintenance. The initial draft had contained provision for defibrillator costs but members asked for this to be removed (see item 93 above). Final figures will be reported to the next meeting for approval.
96. Arrangements for Remembrance Day
It was RESOLVED (pFD s JH) that Cllr Hughes should represent the Parish Council.
97. Correspondence / Clerks Update. East Lindsey DC have produced a residents’ survey. Members asked that this be placed (or linked) to the PC website. A request had been received for funding from the CAB. Members considered this and RESOLVED not to include a donation in the budget (pJH sTO)
99. Co-Option. The notice of vacancy had expired and one person had confirmed interest but was unable to attend due to other commitments. Subject to their availability the matter would be brought back to the December meeting.
100. Any other Matters for general discussion and/or inclusion in next agenda.
The damaged planter referred to at earlier meetings has been removed.
101. Next meeting – Tuesday 17th December at 7pm.
Meeting closed at 8.45