December 2019 Minutes
17th December 2019
Present: Cllr Acklam (Chairman), Cllr Hughes, Cllr Donner, Cllr Harvey, Cllr Jenkinson, Cllr Osbourne; 5 members of the public; the Clerk Andrew Claydon
The meeting opened at 19.00 with a public session.
A member of the raised the issue of flooding on the corner of the A157 opposite the junction with the B1373, which had covered half the carriageway on a number of occasions during the autumn, creating a hazard for traffic by forcing vehicles on to the wrong side of the road. The clerk explained that a fault had been raised with LCC via the “Fix my street” portal and acknowledged but would benefit from photographic evidence in support.
Another member of the public addressed the council regarding a planning application relating alterations to Kingsbury House, an item already on the agenda. A re-application was now required as a change of use to residential had never been formally granted
102. Apologies – ELDC Councillor Harrison.
103. To receive any declarations of interest not previously disclosed: None
104. To approve the minutes of the meeting of the 5th November 2019 for Chairman’s Signature.
RESOLVED to approve minutes. (pJH sTO).
105. Updates from LCC or ELDC
No update received from either organisation.
106. Financial
a) Payments: it was RESOLVED (pAJ sJH) to make the following payments:
A Claydon (Clerks salary / expenses November) £69.24
HMRC £14.60
Robert Aldrich Garden Maintenance (2nd half year) £413.50
Withern Village Hall – hall hire July-Nov (4 meetings) £48.00
b) Budget 2020/21: Members considered the final budget for 2020/21, including monitoring spend and bank reconciliation to date. The Chairman suggested that the estimate for website costs be increased to £75 to reflect the potential costs of transferring the domain name to the PC and it was RESOLVED (pSA sJH) to do so, adjusting the working balance accordingly. The Chairman also raised the need for tree surgery work in the churchyard once the clerk had sought advice as to the work that may be required. It was then RESOLVED to agree the budget as amended and to maintain the precept as £3158 as in 2019/20 (pSA sAJ).
c) Pension Regulator declaration of compliance. Noted.
107. War Memorial: Councillor Hughes had observed that the memorial needed cleaning and some remedial work to the railings., with the bench also needing either renovation or replacement. He suggested that the cleaning could be done by a member with a jet washer but this would require the use of water / power from one of the nearby residents and the council should make a contribution towards the costs of these resources. Members asked for the clerk to obtain indicative costs for the work from local firms and report back.
108. Correspondence / Clerks Update. The clerk was asked to send correspondence more regularly to councillors to avoid a late influx of items arriving in their inboxes.
109. Planning. While there were no applications referred to the Parish Council by East Lindsey DC for formal consultation, at the November meeting plans, had been supplied to the vice chairman in respect of a plot of the land adjacent to Home Farm, for the Council and the clerk had been asked to prepare a summary of these, which had been circulated to members. Councillors were asked whether they felt able to give a view on the plans but generally felt it was not tenable to express an opinion in the absence of a formal application. The Council was unclear on the reasons behind the withdrawal of the original application made regarding that site and what changes might be made to it as part of any reapplication. The owners of the site were present but were unaware of the factors that caused the withdrawal, this decision having been taken by their architect / agent.
110. Co-Option. The applicant was unable to attend the meeting and had offered to dial-in to converse with councillors to assist the proposal, but members felt this may prove unworkable. The clerk was asked to obtain a side of A4 setting out their experience / skills and how these may be of benefit to the council / local community.
111. Any other Matters for general discussion and/or inclusion in next agenda.
The hedge alongside the Manor House was intruding on to the pavement and needed clipping. The clerk was asked to raise this with the owner.
112. Next meeting – Tuesday 21st January at 7pm. Cllrs Donner and Hughes gave their apologies.
Meeting closed at 8.09pm.