March 2020 DRAFT Minutes
Draft Minutes – 3rd March 2020
Present: Cllr Acklam (Chairman), Cllr Hughes, Cllr Donner, Cllr Jenkinson; 12 members of the public; District Councillor Sandra Harrison; Community Speed watch co-ordinator John Blakeiston; Clerk Andrew Claydon
The meeting opened at 19.00, Given the need for some attendees to leave for other commitments the Chairman stated that once apologies and minutes from the last meeting had been agreed, the public session would take place before the Home Farm planning was discussed.
123. Apologies – received and noted from Cllr Osborne, Cllr Harvey and County Councillor Cullen
124. Declarations of interest not previously disclosed. No changes
125. To approve the minutes of the meeting of the 21st January 2020 for Chairman’s signature. It was RESOLVED to approve these minutes (p JH s SA)
126. Updates from ELDC and LCC. ELDC councillor Harrison told the meeting that the 2020/21 ELDC budget had been agreed and details could be found on ELDC’s website.
A member of the public indicated that they were objecting to the Home Farm planning application and had supplied details by email. The applicants were also present and stated that they were here to listen.
Cllr Hughes stated that there was a degree of controversy regarding the application, which had never reached the Parish Council when first submitted but had been routed by ELDC to Cllr Harrison. Subsequently it had been withdrawn; then the original application was the subject of an informal approach for a view from the PC, but members had declined to give one.
District Councillor Harrison stated that the applicants asked for the item to be called in by ELDC’s planning committee. Her role as ward councillor is to consider doing so and then submit reasons for the call in. Following the withdrawal of the initial application the matter laid dormant until resubmission.
The Chairman asked District Councillor Harrison about the wording of ELDC’s letter to her, this stating that she was acting on behalf of the Parish Council. He was not aware of any decision by the PC to this effect and could not recall a number of other applications that the PC had responded to, even during the period that a clerk was not in post. Cllr Harrison responded to the effect that she had no idea as to why that wording was used; but that it was normal for planners to make ward councillors aware of planning applications and seek their input. The chairman also asked why Cllr Harrison had not attended PC meetings and / or initiated call-in when other applications were under consideration, for example, the Chalk Lane item of 2017. Cllr Harrison indicated that no approach had been made to her regarding calling in that application. She felt that the PC might benefit from asking a planning officer to attend a future meeting to explain how this part of the system worked and the role of ward councillors.
The objector (Mr Parker) told the meeting that he had issued a freedom of information request to ELDC regarding the application and among the papers that were released was a letter to the agents from the case officer indicating that refusal was likely to be recommended. Among the reasons given was that the requirements of SP4 and SP25 (policies relating to development) were not met. Mr Parker’s view was the reapplication had very few changes from the original and did not attempt to deal with the SP4 and SP25 issues.
127. Planning:
Application reference N/212/00121/20: Outline erection of 2no. dwellings (with means of access and layout to be considered). LAND AT HOME FARM, MAIN ROAD, WITHERN
afelt that the proposals were out of character with the village and that the site potentially drained in the direction of neighbouring properties. The Chairman felt that while these were important points, the policy issues took precedence over these considerations
It was RESOLVED (p JH sAJ) to OBJECT to the application on the following grounds:
- Non compliance with SP4 (Housing in small villages) on the basis that the development sat outside the defined developed footprint of the village
- Non compliance with SP25 (Green infrastructure) as the conditions to justify and exception had not been met
- Drainage issues arising at the site had not been dealt with in the application
- The dwelling type (large detached houses) was incongruous with adjoining and proximate properties (bungalows)
Application reference N/212/00025/20: Listed Building Consent - Conversion of, internal and external alterations to existing garden store to provide an additional guest bedroom. Alterations to 3 existing windows, new boiler flue and extractor fan. THE MANOR, MAIN ROAD, WITHERN, ALFORD, LN13 0NB
The general view of members was that the alterations were not significant to the building’s appearance and details were best left to specialist ELDC officers to agree. It was RESOLVED (pSA sJH) to make no comment.
The Chairman permitted item 131 to be discussed next before returning to the original order
131 Withern Charities. Cllr Hughes raised the issue of the charities being able to support local causes from their income streams and asked councillors to consider activities in the parish that might satisfy the charities’ objectives. Ideas should be submitted to one of the Trustees.
(ELDC Cllr Harrison and four members of the public left the meeting at this point – 7.40pm)
128. Community Speedwatch. Seven residents who had expressed an interest in a scheme for the village were present for a follow up discussion. John Blakeiston gave information about county wide activity levels and individual schemes where local problems had been tackled e.g. early morning speeding in South Kyme. To move forward the scheme would require the following of the PC:
a. Traffic Survey to be arranged with LCC
b. Submission of a scheme application to LCC (with numbers – sites will not be accepted without volunteers)
c. Site identification (as advised by scheme co-ordinator, avoiding blind spots)
d. Acquisition of equipment (speed gun / vests / signs / clicker/clipboard)
e. Training support (venue / publicity)
f. Insurance for operation of scheme
g. Arrangements for setting up monitoring sessions (when / where / who)
h. Submission of monitoring data
Councillors were fully supportive of a scheme and it was RESOLVED to set a scheme up and acquire equipment comprising a gun (free from Cllr Donner); relevant signs; six high visibility vests; a clicker and a clipboard. (pSA s FD)
It was further RESOLVED (pJH s SA) to appoint Mr Ken Shucksmith as project co-ordinator (with his consent) once the scheme is established.
129. Annual Parish Meeting – 14th April 2020 – draft agenda. The following topics were suggested:
a. Highway flooding A157
b. Defibrillator provision
c. Speedwatch
d. Vacancy on Parish Council
130. Highways ward walk, 30th March 2020 It was RESOLVED (pSA s FD) to appoint Cllr Hughes as the PC rep for the walk with LCC’s highways portfolio holder and that areas to be covered should include A157 flooding; poor condition of Chalk Lane; trees blocking footpaths and speeding / speedwatch.
132. Mablethorpe Town Council Civic Service – no one was available to attend on behalf of the PC
133. Correspondence / Clerks Update. The clerk was aware of the potential danger caused by tree condition at the cemetery following Storm Ciara and had identified the legal power to act and sought contractors to remove the trees. On the basis of limited responses and the urgency of making safe, one contractor had been asked to undertake the work and had done so rapidly.
Highways flooding had recurred at the corner of the A157 and the B1323 and LCC had been notified using photographs taken by Cllr Osborne.
ELDC had emailed to state that an invoice for May 2019 election costs had been raised but this had not reached the clerk. The expected cost for an uncollected election was £48.50
134. Financial:
a) cheques for signature: It was RESOLVED (p JH s SA) to pay the following:
A Claydon (Clerks salary / expenses Jan / Feb inc stamps, stationery) £136.05
HMRC £ 29.00
LALC annual membership 2020/21 £145.72
Finch Arboriculture Ltd (Removal of damaged trees) £316.67 +VAT £380.00
b) receipts and payments and bank reconciliation; Members noted this information.
135. Co-option - given the high potential that the interested party may not be able to attend regular meetings due to work commitments, it was felt wise not consider co-option at this point but to seek further interest.
136. Any other Matters for general discussion and/or inclusion in next agenda. Indicative closure of accounts (possibly including internal control assessment).
137. To confirm date of next meeting: Tuesday 14th April 2020, commencing with Annual Parish Meeting for residents.
The meeting closed at 8.47pm