July 2022 Agenda


Parish Clerk:         E mail: parishclerkwithernstain@gmail.com
Sarah Kennett                                             parish clerk withern stain at gmail dot com

The next meeting of the Parish Council is scheduled for Tuesday 12th July 2022

Prior to the meeting, commencing at 7pm, there will be a 15-minute public session. Members of the public may raise matters of concern with the council during this session.  The Parish Council meeting will commence immediately after the public session.

Once the Parish Council meeting commences, members of the public may not speak unless at the discretion of the Chairman to clarify a point.

Sarah Kennett     Parish Clerk                        4th July 2022


19.     Apologies – To receive apologies

20.    To Receive any declarations of interest not previously disclosed.

21.    To approve the minutes of the meeting of 30th May 2022 for the Chair’s signature.

22.    Updates from those minutes

a.    Theddlethorpe – update regarding meetings and community partnership

23.    Updates from LCC or ELDC

24.    Current Vacancy and co-option

25.    Planning applications

a.    Planning Permission - Change of use and conversion of existing garage to provide a holiday let. - GREEN PASTURES, MAIN ROAD, WITHERN Ref. No: N/212/00962/22 | Received date: Wed 18 May 2022 | Status: Deposited (ie valid and registered) | Case Type: Planning Application
b.    Diversion of Public Footpath no. 234. - LAND REAR OF GREEN PASTURES, MAIN ROAD, WITHERN Ref. No: N/212/01168/22 | Received date: Wed 15 Jun 2022 | Status: Deposited (ie valid and registered) | Case Type: Planning Application

26.    Financial:
a.    Bank Reconciliation to date
b.    Review of the Audit from J cooper
c.    Set the budget for 2022/2023
d.    Approval for new Bank Mandate signatories – Simon Acklam, Jackie Harvey-Brown, Alexandra Blomley, Sarah Kennett
e.    Approval for the following to be paid:
i.    Clerk Salary June         £108.20
ii.    LALC training Lunch fee    £24.00
iii.    Audit Fee J Cooper        £45.00
iv.    Robert Aldrich – Grass    £413.50
v.    Speed watch purchases
Paid to S Kennett        £321.91

27.    Offer of Defibrillator for the Village – A parish member would like to offer a public access AED for the village in memorial of his late wife and mother of his children.

28.    War Memorial – update on works and offer of Charity table funding from the Chapel

29.    Speed watch: Training completed and first outing suggested. Can we recruit new volunteers?

30.    SIDs – do we want to purchase any and which type?

31.    Any other matters for general discussion and/ or inclusion in the next agenda

32.    To confirm the dates of the next meetings:
a.    06 September 2022. 
b.    04 October 2022
c.    22 November 2022
d.    10 January 2023
e.    21 February 2023
f.    04 April 2023
g.    16th May 2023 - Annual Parish Council Meeting AGM (within 14 days of the 05 May due to Election year)